Monday, 24 October 2011

About Me

Devotion is a dimension that will allow you to sail across even if you do not know the way.
 Hi, My name is Arvind Jayram Bhosale. I have completed  M.Tech in Automotive Engineering from VIT University Vellore. Currently, I'm working as Asst. Proferssor in Automobille Engineering Department in Government College of Engineering and Research, Avasari(Kd), Pune.

Few lines from Hollywood movie Catch me if you can!
" Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream,
One mouse quickly gave up,
Second mouse didn't,
He tried so hard, 
eventually he churned the cream into butter,
and crawled out."
. Which One You are? Try to be Second One.

Also, these are the few lines which I believe in,
If God answers your prayers,
He is increasing your faith,
If He delays....,
He increasing your patience,
If He denies...,
He has something better for You.

So don't stop for anything, just keep going on, work hard, you will get what you want.
For contact, my email and facebook address are,, 

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